Student Projects

Im Bachelorprojekt SURGEST entwickeln Studierende innovative Gestensteuerungstechnologien zur Gesundheitsüberwachung. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zu revolutionieren, indem intuitive Schnittstellen geschaffen werden, die eine effiziente Erfassung von Gesundheitsdaten ermöglichen. Der Fokus liegt auf zwei Hauptaspekten: der Entwicklung eines robusten Gestenerkennungssystems und der Optimierung einer benutzerfreundlichen grafischen Benutzeroberfläche (GUI). Mithilfe fortschrittlicher maschineller Lernalgorithmen erkennt und bewertet das System Gesundheitszustände durch einfache Handbewegungen. Gleichzeitig wird ein gestengesteuertes Display entwickelt, das mithilfe eines Projektors neben der Wunde eines Patienten im Operationssaal (OR) projiziert werden kann.

The Triplesim master project of CGVR and MARUM works towards creating a simulation of an underwater exploration of an icy moon in a virtual environment. This project takes place in the context of the TRIPLE project, which plans such missions in the future. A focus of this project is simulating the navigation of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in Unreal Engine 5.2. For this purpose, the simulation contains many sensors that are commonly used for navigation.

MUSC is a bachelor project of CGVR at the University of Bremen that took place in the summer of 2023. It is an extension of the VaMeX project in which CGVR is involved. The project focuses on exploring the Valles Marineres on Mars. MUSC is an application developed using Unreal Engine 5.2, designed to offer a virtual environment for testing future space missions. The application can be utilized both in virtual reality (VR) and non-VR modes, providing a range of features for conducting scientific experiments in the future. We have provided the option to conduct tests individually, join a listen server, or connect to a dedicated server located at the University of Bremen. Up to 15+ users can interact on the Melas Chasma map, a part of Valles Marineris.

In this project, we explore the limitations of reinforcement learning in the context of affordances. We specifically focus on the physical execution of affordances and show that they provide rather complex situations—proving to be quite difficult for reinforcement learning in certain cases.

Im Projekt VRRAT soll eine VR-Anwendung mithilfe der Unreal-Engine entwickelt werden, die menschliche Affordanzen (engl. Affordances) in einer virtuellen Umgebung aufnimmt und in einem roboterlesbarem Format abspeichert.

Virtual Dentist
Virtual Dentist is a project in collaboration with the Mahidol University of Bangkok, Thailand. The goal is to deliver a realistic simulation of two dental tasks, caries removal and root canal opening. It is built upon our own haptic simulation plugin.

VaMEx 1
VaMEx-VTB is a sub-project of the project line VaMEx funded by DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt/German Aerospace Centre) and VaMEx-VTB sub-project is developed by the University of Bremen (Institute for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality). It is platform which provides a simulation framework for testing the swarm behavior on the Mars terrain.

Virtual Cooking 2
Virtual Cooking 2 is a master's project operated by the University of Bremen, which approaches to collect grasping data in a virtual kitchen from human probands for machine learning.

Virtual Cooking
Virtual Cooking is a bachelor's project operated by the University of Bremen, which approaches to collect grasping data in a virtual kitchen from human probands for machine learning.

VReef (short for Virtual Reality Coral Reef) is a master’s project operated by the University of Bremen, which tries to simulate a polluted underwater environment in virtual reality with Unreal Engine and HTC VIVE.

Virtual Coral Reef 3 Multiplayer
The bachelor’s and master’s project „VR CoralReef“ is a simulation of a coral reef located in the Indo-Pacific ocean, developed with the AG CGVR of University Bremen, Germany.

A simulation of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a virtual underwater environment is created by the master's project "Virtual Coral Reef 3 TraVis".

VR Touch
Blinde und Sehbeeinträchtigte sollen mit Sehenden zusammen ein asymmetrisches und kollaboratives VR-Computerspiel spielen, indem sie gemeinsam als professionelle Diebe in einem Museum einbrechen und sich durch die verschiedenen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen kämpfen.

Virtual Interactive Assembly/Disassembly
Virtual Interactive Assembly/Disassembly is a bachelor project of the computer graphics group at the University of Bremen.

Virtual Coral Reef 2
The master's project "VR CoralReef" creates a Virtual Reality environment in a coral reef in the Indo-Pacific region.

The bachelor project IVOR (interactive, virtual operation room) is developing a human-centered helping system in the operation room.

The master project AstVenture is developing a Serious game. The motivation of the project is to explore how looks space environment and how to mine asteroids.

Virtual Coral Reef
The bachelor project VR-Coralreef is developing a simuluation as a video game of coralreefs and its behaviors when the parameters are changing, in cooperation with the ZMT. The simuluation uses the Microsoft Kinect and stereo rendering for different 3D devices.

The master project Kinaptic is developing a video game for blind and sighted people using the Microsoft Kinect, haptic feedback devices and stereo rendering for different 3D devices.

Natural User Interaction for Cars
Therefore this project is researching contact-free and multimodal interaction metaphors: Gesture, speech, skin resistance, line of sight, etc. Using the example of setting a mirror: The voice command “Adjust mirror” and a corresponding hand or finger movement may be used to configure the right side mirror. A driving simulator provides the necessary means for testing by linking these new metaphors to parts of a virtual car.

N-Body Particle Simulation using Lennard-Jones Forces
The goal of this student project was to simulate particle systems, where the so-called Lennard-Jones acts between pairs of particles, with as many particles as possible while still keeping the computations (almost) real-time.