
Feb, 2025: We have organized our first and very successful Dagstuhl Seminar with a great bunch of attendees.

Dec, 2024: ICAT-EGVE2024 Best Paper Award: Andre Mühlenbrock, Rene Weller and Gabriel Zachmann have won the Best Paper Award for "BlendPCR: Seamless and Efficient Rendering of Dynamic Point Clouds Captured by Multiple RGB-D Cameras".

Oct, 2024: The AI ​​Center for Health Care project AI Surgery Tracking aims to use AI to enable surgeons to perform even more precise procedures, ultimately improving patient well-being.

Jul, 2024: Maximilian Kaluschke earned his doctorate in the field of Immersive Medical VR Training Simulators with Haptic Feedback (Dissertation, Photo).

Jul, 2024: Toni Tan earned his doctorate in the field of Geometric Computing for Simulation-Based Robot Planning (Dissertation).

Apr, 2024: Chronic Skin Conditions: AI Support for Safe Light Therapy at Home. In a joint research project, the Center for Computing Technologies at the University of Bremen and the start-up Skinuvita are developing new AI-based image analysis methods. The goal is to provide a system to treat skin conditions at home using phototherapy.

Apr, 2024: Robot swarm practices Mars exploration: VaMEx-3 project. The exploration of Mars can be most successful if robots with different skills work together - ideally autonomously. Important prerequisites for this are being created as part of the "VaMEx-3" project, in which three working groups from the University of Bremen are significantly involved.

Apr, 2024: i2b (idea to business) and the TZI invited guests to the University of Bremen to present examples of innovative AI projects and highlight the opportunities for companies.
We presented three of our projects: VaMEx3-VTB (explore and search for forms of non-terrestrial life in the Valles Marineris on Mars), Dental-SIM (Bi-Manual VR-Based Simulation of Dental Surgery) and CoralReef (simulation of a coral reef located in the Indo-Pacific ocean).
Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science, was also present and opened the event with a welcoming address.
The large number of visitors with an interest in all the exhibits made the evening a successful event.

Oct, 2023: Roland Fischer earned his doctorate in the field of telepresence and collaborative virtual reality (Dissertation).

Sep, 2023: Winner of the DIVR XR Science Award 2023 in the Best Tech category for DYNAMIC HIPS - Dynamic Hip Implant Simulator together with the TU Chemnitz.

Aug, 2023: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann is one of the keynote speakers (certificate) at the IEEE International Electronics Symposium 2023 in Indonesia.

Apr, 2023: Honorable Mention Award for the demo "Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR – Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice" (paper) at CHI 2023 (picture)

Apr, 2023: The Vamex-3 project, funded by the "Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur" at DLR with funds from the "Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)", creates conditions for the exploration of Mars by having robots with different capabilities work together (press release).

March, 2023: IEEE VR 2023 Shanghai Recognition of Service Award for Prof. Zachmann.

Feb, 2023: Mayor Bovenschulte informs himself about VR technologies at the TZI (press release, Picture 1 and Picture 2). Prof. Zachmann presents the VAMEX project, in which robots cooperate autonomously in a realistic virtual environment of a Mars region to take and analyse rock samples and analyse them. Furthermore, he presented the dental simulator from the Dental Sim and HIPS project.

Sep, 2022: The multidisciplinary VaMEx 3 project startet with a kick off meeting at the DLR space administration in Bonn. The goal of the project is the swarm-based exploration of the Valles Marineris on planet Mars. Find more information at

Aug, 2022: 3D technologies for surgical success in medicine: Scientists and developers from the VIVATOP research network have developed 3D technologies that enable novel, fast and precise surgical preparation for surgical procedures. The project results also help during an operation and in medical training.

July, 2022: CGI’2022 Visual Computer Best Paper Award (ex-aequo) for the paper Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality with Auditory Step Feedback.

March, 2022: The results (Nordwestzeitung and report) of the research project VIVATOP were presented to the professional audience and the public at Pius Hospital in Oldenburg. More information is available in the press release.

March, 2022: Roland Fischer and Marc Jochens conducted a user study about VR- and Point Cloud based telepresence with 12 doctors and students at the University Clinic for Visceral Surgery at the Pius-Hospital Oldenburg.

March, 2022: IEEE Aeorospace Conference 2022 Best Paper in Track Award Winner. Hermann Meißenhelter, Matthias Noeker, Tom Andert, René Weller, Benjamin Haser, Özgür Karatekin, Birgit Ritter, Max Hofacker, Larissa Balestrero Machado, Gabriel Zachmann have won the award for the paper titled "Efficient and Accurate Methods for Computing the Gravitational Field of Irregular-Shaped Bodies".

March, 2022: The CGVR group is proud to be a member of the Unreal Academic Partner.

Dec, 2021: Maximilian Kaluschke and Myat Su Yin of Mahidol University conducted a user study with students of the Faculty of Dentistry of Thammasat University. The user study comprised of 40 dentistry students that learned to do root canal access opening in our simulator which uses VR and haptic force feedback.

Dec, 2021: Gabriel Zachmann was invited to the Dagstuhl Seminar "Representing and Solving Spatial Problems" (21492).

May, 2021: Eurographics 2021: Winner of the Public Voting Award for the Best Poster. Andre Mühlenbrock, Roland Fischer, René Weller and Gabriel Zachmann are winning the award for the poster titled "Fast and Robust Registration and Calibration of Depth-Only Sensors"

March, 2021: VIVATOP: More Insight during Liver Surgery. A consortium of industry, science and healthcare under the leadership of the University of Bremen is developing 3D technologies for surgeons. In particular, assistance in planning operations is already well advanced.

Feb, 2021: University of Bremen Strengthens Partnership in Thailand. The university is strengthening its partnership with one of Thailand’s best universities. Alongside the deepening of the cooperation with the Mahidol University, a Christian Freska Scholarship has also been established. The recently deceased professor played a key role in creating the cooperation.

2021: Moritz Cohrs earned his doctorate in the field of methodologies for automotive PLM.

Sep, 2020: Xizhi Li earned his doctorate in the field of 3D Asteroid Model Synthesis.

Jul, 2020: A report on MDR Aktuell: "OP-Training dank VR: Chemnitzer Forscher entwickeln virtuelle Hüftoperationen".

April, 2020: Prof. Dr. Zachmann from the University of Bremen and Dr. Daniel Kühn from the "Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)" report in an Interview with "HI:TECH CAMPUS" about the project „Valles Marineris Explorer – Virtual TestBed“ (VaMEx-VTB), which simulates robots on Mars.

Apr, 2020: Euro VR Newsletter, Dr. Gabriel Zachmann, Professor and Researcher at the University of Bremen and HAPTION S.A. are introduced.

Feb, 2019: Bremer Wissenschaftler arbeiten an virtuellen Technologien für zukünftige Missionen auf dem roten Planeten: Charlie auf dem Mars.

May, 2019: The HIPS project has won the DIVR Award in the best tech category.

Dec, 2018: Patrick Draheim earned his doctorate in the field of Virtual Testbeds.

Apr, 2018: Zukunftstag 2018. Two pupils of the Gymnasium Horn came to visit the University of Bremen and created their own website with wordpress.

Apr, 2018: We got invited by KUKA to showcase our demo at the European Robotics Forum 2018 in Tampere, Finland

Feb, 2018: The House of Science, Bremen hosts an exhibition about local scientists and science projects with collaborators around the world. One of the featured exhibits is a demo of our Autonomous Surgical Lamps, developed by Jörn Teuber of the Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality group. The exhibition will be open until the 21st of April (photos).

Feb, 2018: The University of Bremen participates in the opening of the research laboratory MIRU in Bangkok (see also CoAI Joint Research Center).

Nov, 2017: 2017 VRST Best Poster Award Winner. Michael Bonfert, Melina Cahnbley, Inga Lehne, Ralf Morawe, Gabriel Zachmann and Johannes Schöning are winning the award for the poster titled "Augmented Invaders: A Mixed Reality Multiplayer Outdoor Game."

Nov, 2017: Organizers of the French VR conference and trade show Laval Virtual immersed themselves into a variety of different virtual environments where they learned about current projects of the Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality lab at the University of Bremen (full report, in German).

Sep, 2017: Founding Everyday Activity Science and Engineering (EASE). EASE is a interdisciplinary research center at the University of Bremen that investigates everyday activity science & engineering. For more Information click here.

Jun 17, 2017: Haptic and hand tracking demos at the Open Campus 2017.

May, 2017: Patrick Lange was honored with the SIGSIM Best PhD Award at the ACM SIGSIM PADS Conference 2017.

Feb-Apr, 2017: David Vilela (Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, University of Coruna, Spain) visited our lab. He is working on benchmarks to compare different intersection calculation methods in collisions, and also different force models.

Feb, 2017: Gabriel Zachmann and Jörn Teuber visited the Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand as part of a delegation from the University of Bremen. The goal of the visit was to foster the cooperation between the two universities and lay ground-work for future colaborations.

Jun, 2016: Radio Bremen visited our lab to film the works of the Creative Unit "Intra-Operative Information" for a news magazine on the local TV station. Click here for the film.

May 16, 2016: Patrick Lange was honored with the SIGSIM Best PhD Award at the ACM SIGSIM PADS Conference 2016.

Jun 19-21, 2015: Gabriel Zachmann gives invited talk at the DAAD-Stipendiatentreffen in Bremen, Germany.

Jun, 2015: Haptic and hand tracking demos at the Open Campus 2015.

Dec 08-10, 2014: ICAT-EGVE 2014 and EuroVR 2014 conferences at the University of Bremen organized by Gabriel Zachmann.

Sep 25-26, 2014: GI VR/AR 2014 conference at the University of Bremen organized by Gabriel Zachmann.

Sep 24-25, 2014: VRIPHYS 2014 conference at the University of Bremen organized by Gabriel Zachmann.

Feb 4, 2014: Gabriel Zachmann gives invited talk on Interaction Metaphors for Collaborative 3D Environments at Learntec.

Jan, 2014: Gabriel Zachmann got invited to be a Member of the Review Panel in the Human Brain Project for the Competitive Call for additional project partners.

Nov, 2013: Invited Talk at the "Cheffrühstück 2013"

Oct, 2013: PhD thesis of Rene Weller published in the Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems.

Jun, 2013: Gabriel Zachmann participated in the Dagstuhl Seminar Virtual Realities (13241)

Jun, 2013: Haptic and hand tracking demos at the Open Campus 2013.

Jun, 2013: Invited talk at Symposium für Virtualität und Interaktion 2013 in Heidelberg by Rene Weller.

Apr, 2013: Rene Weller was honored with the EuroHaptics Ph.D Award at the IEEE World Haptics Conference 2013.

Jan, 2013: Talk at the graduation ceremony of the University of Bremen by Rene Weller.

Oct, 2012: Invited Talk by G. Zachmann at the DLR VROOS Workshop Servicing im Weltraum -- Interaktive VR-Technologien zum On-Orbit Servicing in Oberpfaffenhofen, Munich, Germany.

Oct, 2012: Daniel Mohr earned his doctorate in the field of vision-based pose estimation.

Sept, 2012: G. Zachmann: Keynote Talk at ICEC 2012, 11th International Conference on Entertainment Computing.

Sep, 2012: "Best Paper Award" at GI VR/AR Workshop in Düsseldorf.

Sep, 2012: Rene Weller earned his doctorate in the field of collision detection.

Aug, 2012: GI-VRAR-Calendar 2013 is available!