

Bitte verwenden Sie unbedingt unsere Programmierrichtlinien bzw. Coding Guidelines (only available in the university network)! Keine Angst, diese enthalten einfach eine kleine Liste hilfreicher Tips & Tricks, und einige einfache Konventionen, die sich als sehr hilfreich herausgestellt haben.
In "The Missing Semester of Your CS Education" finden Sie weitere Tipps, wie Sie die Kommandozeile beherrschen, einen leistungsstarken Texteditor verwenden, ausgefallene Funktionen von Versionskontrollsystemen nutzen und vieles mehr!

Tips for Giving Presentations

When you give your first presentation, my suggestion is: pick one of the documents below, read it, prepare your talk, repeat n times: read the tips again, practice your presentation. For your next presentation, pick another tips document.

First of all, here is a bad example, taken from a real presentation at a real conference.
I cool, and quick video on How to avoid death by PowerPoint by David Phillips, Stockholm. Even though scientific presentations are a little bit different from the kind of presentations he is talking about (business and marketing), the rules he gives can still be applied to scientific presentations, mostly.
Here are the Ten Golden Rules for delivering good presentations (in German).
Here is another set of tips, a litle bit lengthier (in German, too), written by Georg Schied, Jügen Schwille, Bernd Holzmüller, Rainer Koschke. (Source)
Here are some tips on How to Give a Good Research Talk by Peyton Jones, Hughes, and Launchbury; ACM SIGPLAN Notices 28(11), Nov. 1993, 9-12. The part on technology is a bit outdated, but the rest still gives valuable advice.
The same goes for the Speaker's Guides for Students by Ian Parberry, University of North Texas.
Hier finden Sie einige Hinweise für Seminararbeiten von Prof. Wolfgang Coy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; allerdings stimme ich ihm nicht zu, dass "Der mündliche Vortrag [...] durch Vorlesen eines Manuskripts [erfolgen kann]".
A very inspiring rant against Powerpoint is Edward Tufte's PowerPoint Does Rocket Science. (Here is the original source; Edward Tufte is, by the way, a very renowned visualization expert)
Pretty much fun is also this Conference Presentation Judo, but it is geared towards longer presentations, such as tutorials. (Here is the original source)

Tips for Creating Good Posters

Here is a funny video by Mike Morrison showing you why it is important to create good posters and, more importantly, how to create good posters.
Note that not every statement in the video is applicable to computer science, but most of it is relevant.
Here is a local copy, just in case.

Schnelle Kurven- und Flächendarstellung auf grafischen Sichtgeräten

Here you can download the PhD thesis of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Strasser: "Schnelle Kurven- und Flächendarstellung auf grafischen Sichtgeräten", 1974. On the last page, 6-1, in chapter Future Work, he describes basically the Z-buffer.

The MultiVR Lab

Our laboratory is a space designed to facilitate computer graphics research and learning. For this purpose, we provide hardware that is intended to inspire and motivate ideas for development and insights. Here is a (expanding) list and graphic of our devices: List / Graphic

Conferences and Workshops

We organized the following conferences:
VRIPHYS 2014, GI VR/AR 2014, EuroVR 2014, ICAT-EGVE 2014

And the following Workshop:
Haptic Methods and Technologies for Virtual Assembly Simulations (a Workshop of the IEEE World Haptics 2017).

Joseph Weizenbaum

Here is one of the last interviews with Joseph Weizenbaum, which I recorded from a radio broadcast (I forget, unfortunately, which program). He was a pioneer in AI and later a critic of mankind delegating too many important tasks and responsibilities to machines.