Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- _parameterPanel.
Variable in class .Algorithm
- A reference to a peer parameter panel.
- _parent. Variable in class
- A reference to the parent of this algorithm.
- AACircleAlgorithm(AwtFrame,
ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Constructs an Antialiased Circle Algorithm object, including the thread
that runs it.
- AACirclePanel().
Constructor for class .AACirclePanel
- Constructs an AACirclePanel.
- AALineAlgorithm(AwtFrame,
ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .AALineAlgorithm
- Constructs an Antialiased Line Algorithm object, including the thread
that runs it.
- AALinePanel().
Constructor for class .AALinePanel
- Constructs an AALinePanel.
- action(Event,
Object). Method in class .MainApp
- Wait for someone to press the "Start" button.
- Algorithm(AwtFrame,
ThreadGroup, String). Constructor for class .Algorithm
- Algorithm superclass constructor.
- algorithmName().
Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
- algorithmName().
Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
- Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
- algorithmName().
Method in class .Algorithm
- Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text - this method must
be overriden by a subclass.
- algorithmName().
Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
- algorithmName().
Method in class .LineAlgorithm
- Returns the name of the algorithm in plane text.
variable in class .MainCanvas
variable in class .MainCanvas
- AwtFrame(ThreadGroup).
Constructor for class .AwtFrame
- Class constructor.
- BOARDER. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- breakpoint(int).
Method in class .AwtFrame
- Writes a message to the status text area when a breakpoint happens.
- canvasSizeNotify().
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Called whenever the canvas size is set.
- changeMode(int).
Method in class .AwtFrame
- Changes the message in the info text field based on the new algorithm
variable in class .MainCanvas
variable in class .ZoomPanel
- CircleAlgorithm(AwtFrame,
ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .CircleAlgorithm
- Constructs a Midpoint Circle Algorithm object, including the thread
that runs it.
- CirclePanel(). Constructor for
class .CirclePanel
- Constructs a CirclePanel.
- clearBreakpoint().
Method in class .Algorithm
- Clear the algorithm breakpoint.
- color. Variable in class .Pixel
- create(). Method in class
- Create the independent "What's In A Line?" applet frame.
- create(). Method in class
- Creates and installs the subcomponents of ZoomPanel.
- DRAG_BOTH. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- DRAG_NONE. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- DRAG_P1. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- DRAG_P2. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- drawLine(int,
int, int, int). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Draw a line a line in the current color in MainCanvas coordinates.
- drawPrimitive(Point,
Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Draw a reconing primitive (line or circle) based on the two inputs.
- drawPrimitive(Point,
Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Draw a reconing primitive (line or circle) based on the two inputs.
- drawString(String,
int, int). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Draws the specified string at the specified MainCanvas coordinates.
- drawString(String,
int, int). Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Draws the specified string at the specified MainCanvas coordinates.
- FloatTextField().
Constructor for class .FloatTextField
- getAACircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .AACirclePanel
- Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the circle
- getBreakpoint().
Method in class .MyTextArea
- Returns the line number of the selected text if it is the only line
that is selected.
- getCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .CirclePanel
- Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the circle
- getLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .AALinePanel
- Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the line
endpoint textfields.
- getLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .LinePanel
- Modifies the given Point parameters with the current value of the line
endpoint textfields.
- getText(). Method
in class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Returns the text of the algorithm.
- getText(). Method
in class .AALineAlgorithm
- Returns the text of the algorithm.
- getText(). Method in
class .Algorithm
- Returns the text of the algorithm - this method must be overriden by
a subclass.
- getText(). Method
in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Returns the text of the algorithm.
- getText(). Method
in class .LineAlgorithm
- Returns the text of the algorithm.
variable in class .MainCanvas
variable in class .ZoomPanel
- h(int). Method in class
- The callback function for each line of algorithm code.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .AACirclePanel
- Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .AALinePanel
- Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .AwtFrame
- Handle all events important to the applet.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .CirclePanel
- Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .LinePanel
- Process any events associated with the editable fields of this object.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Handle the mouse events associated with drawing in the MainCanvas.
- handleEvent(Event).
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Process the scrollbar events.
- init(). Method in class .MainApp
- Create the "Start" button that appears in the browser.
- IntTextField().
Constructor for class .IntTextField
- JOG. Static variable in class
- jogPressed(). Method
in class .Algorithm
- Method to start algorithm execution in jog mode.
- LINE_MODE. Static variable
in class .MainCanvas
- LINE_MODE. Static variable
in class .ZoomPanel
- LineAlgorithm(AwtFrame,
ThreadGroup). Constructor for class .LineAlgorithm
- Constructs a Minpoint Line Algorithm object, including the thread that
runs it.
- LinePanel(). Constructor
for class .LinePanel
- Constructs a LinePanel.
- LOOP. Static variable in class
- loopPressed(). Method
in class .Algorithm
- Method to start algorithm execution in loop mode.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class .MainApp
- Only used when running the applet from the command line.
- MainApp(). Constructor
for class .MainApp
- MainCanvas(AwtFrame).
Constructor for class .MainCanvas
- Class constructor.
- minimumSize().
Method in class .FloatTextField
- Returns the minimum size of a floating point text field.
- minimumSize().
Method in class .IntTextField
- Returns the minimum size of an integer text field.
- minimumSize(). Method
in class .MainCanvas
- Returns the minimum size of MainCanvas.
- minimumSize(). Method
in class .MyTextArea
- Returns the minimum size of MyTextArea.
- minimumSize(). Method
in class .ZoomPanel
- Returns the minimum size of ZoomPanel.
- MyCanvas(). Constructor
for class .MyCanvas
- MyTextArea(). Constructor
for class .MyTextArea
- Class constructor.
- MyTextArea(int,
int). Constructor for class .MyTextArea
- Class constructor.
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Paint the canvas including the cartesian coordinates, primitives and
any rendered pixels.
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class .MyCanvas
- Paint the canvas and notify the Panel container.
- paint(Graphics).
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Paints the canvas including the cartesian grid and any rendered pixels.
- paintComponents(Graphics).
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Paints the subcomponents of this panel.
- Pixel(). Constructor for class
- A default constructor.
- Pixel(Point,
Color). Constructor for class .Pixel
- Construct a new Pixel from the named Point and Color values.
- preferredSize().
Method in class .FloatTextField
- Returns the preferred size of a floating point text field
- preferredSize().
Method in class .IntTextField
- Returns the preferred size of an integer text field.
- preferredSize().
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Returns the preferred size of MainCanvas.
- preferredSize().
Method in class .MyTextArea
- Returns the preferred size of MyTextArea.
- preferredSize().
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Returns the preferred size of ZoomPanel.
- redrawPixels().
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Redraw all the currently active pixels.
- redrawPixels().
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Redraw all the currently active pixels.
- reformat(). Method in
class .ZoomPanel
- Reformats the background grid on the canvas when sizes are changed.
- repaint(). Method in
class .ZoomPanel
- Repaint the canvas.
- RESET. Static variable in
class .Algorithm
- resetDrawing().
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Remove all drawn pixels from the MainCanvas.
- resetDrawing().
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Remove all drawn pixels from the MainCanvas.
- resetDrawings().
Method in class .AwtFrame
- Clears the drawings of the MainCanvas and ZoomPanel.
- resetParameters().
Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
- resetParameters().
Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
- Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
- resetParameters().
Method in class .Algorithm
- Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change
- this method must be overriden by a subclass.
- resetParameters().
Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
- resetParameters().
Method in class .LineAlgorithm
- Resets the algorithm parameters and notifies the parent of the change.
- resetPressed().
Method in class .Algorithm
- Method to reset the algorithm and all its parameters.
- reshape(int,
int, int, int). Method in class .MyCanvas
- Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
- resize(Dimension).
Method in class .MyCanvas
- Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
- resize(int, int).
Method in class .MyCanvas
- Notify the Panel container that the size of this canvas has changed.
- RUN. Static variable in class
- run(). Method in class .Algorithm
- Overridden Thread function that starts the thread, not to be confused
with running the algorithm itself.
- runPressed(). Method
in class .Algorithm
- Method to start algorithm execution.
- select(int). Method
in class .AwtFrame
- Select the given line number in the frame's code window.
- selectLine(int).
Method in class .MyTextArea
- Select the appropriate line of text based on the given line number.
- setBreakpoint(int).
Method in class .Algorithm
- Set the algorithm breakpoint at the line number specified by the parameter.
- setCircleMode().
Method in class .MainCanvas
- Set the primitive drawing mode to CIRCLE_MODE.
- setCircleMode().
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Set the primitive drawing mode to CIRCLE_MODE.
- setCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .AACirclePanel
- Update the center and radius text fields of this object.
- setCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .AwtFrame
- Coordinate setting the circle parameters between the various components.
- setCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .CirclePanel
- Update the center and radius text fields of this object.
- setCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Set circle parameters c (center) and r (radius) in CIRCLE_MODE.
- setCircleValues(Point,
Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Set circle parameters c (center) and r (radius) in CIRCLE_MODE.
- setLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .AALinePanel
- Update the two endpoints text fields in this object.
- setLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .AwtFrame
- Coordinate the setting of the line endpoints between the various components.
- setLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .LinePanel
- Update the two endpoints text fields in this object.
- setLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Set the line endpoints p1 and p2 in LINE_MODE.
- setLineEndPoints(Point,
Point). Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Set the line endpoints p1 and p2 in LINE_MODE.
- setLineMode(). Method
in class .MainCanvas
- Set the primitive drawing mode to LINE_MODE.
- setLineMode(). Method
in class .ZoomPanel
- Set the primitive drawing mode to LINE_MODE.
- setRes(int). Method
in class .ZoomPanel
- Set the pixel resolution size.
- setText(String).
Method in class .MyTextArea
- Generates a list of line nubmers associated with the stream of text
getting placed in the TextArea.
- STEP. Static variable in class
- stepPressed(). Method
in class .Algorithm
- Method for executing a single algorithm instruction.
- STOP. Static variable in class
- stopPressed(). Method
in class .Algorithm
- Method to stop algorithm execution.
- theAlgorithm().
Method in class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Generic interface to start the algorithm.
- theAlgorithm().
Method in class .AALineAlgorithm
- Generic interface to start the algorithm.
- theAlgorithm().
Method in class .Algorithm
- A call to execute the algorithm - this method must be overriden by
a subclass.
- theAlgorithm().
Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Generic interface to start the algorithm.
- theAlgorithm().
Method in class .LineAlgorithm
- Generic interface to start the algorithm.
- theAlgorithm(int,
int, int). Method in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Private interface to the algorithm which includes specific paramters.
- theAlgorithm(int,
int, int, int). Method in class .LineAlgorithm
- Private interface to the algorithm which includes specific paramters.
- update(). Method
in class .AACircleAlgorithm
- Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
- update(). Method
in class .AALineAlgorithm
- Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
- update(). Method in class
- Updates the parent component with the available algorithm parameters
- this method must be overriden by a subclass.
- update(). Method
in class .CircleAlgorithm
- Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
- update(). Method in
class .LineAlgorithm
- Update the peer parameter panel with new algorithm values.
- update(Graphics).
Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Overrides the superclass paint() to eliminate clearing the canvas before
- update(int,
int, int). Method in class .AACirclePanel
- Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
- update(int, int, int).
Method in class .CirclePanel
- Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
- update(int,
int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class .LinePanel
- Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
- update(int,
int, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double). Method in class .AALinePanel
- Updates the non-editable parameter fields of this object.
- WritePixel(int,
int). Method in class .Algorithm
- Writes a black pixel at the specified location.
- WritePixel(int,
int, boolean). Method in class .Algorithm
- Writes a black pixel at the specified location.
- WritePixel(int,
int, float). Method in class .Algorithm
- Writes a pixel of the normalized intensity with respect to the background
- WritePixel(int,
int, float, boolean). Method in class .Algorithm
- Writes a pixel of the normalized intensity with respect to the background
- writePixel(Point,
float). Method in class .MainCanvas
- Write a pixel of the specified color at the specified location.
- writePixel(Point,
float, boolean). Method in class .AwtFrame
- Writes a pixel of the specified color at the specifiec location both
in the Main and Zoom canvases.
- writePixel(Point,
float, boolean). Method in class .ZoomPanel
- Write a pixel of the specified color at the specified location.
- ZoomPanel(). Constructor
for class .ZoomPanel
- Construct a ZoomPanel.