Class AwtFrame


public class AwtFrame
extends Frame
The "What's In A Line?" main applet window.

Constructor Index

 o AwtFrame(ThreadGroup)
Class constructor.

Method Index

 o breakpoint(int)
Writes a message to the status text area when a breakpoint happens.
 o changeMode(int)
Changes the message in the info text field based on the new algorithm mode.
 o handleEvent(Event)
Handle all events important to the applet.
 o resetDrawings()
Clears the drawings of the MainCanvas and ZoomPanel.
 o select(int)
Select the given line number in the frame's code window.
 o setCircleValues(Point, Point)
Coordinate setting the circle parameters between the various components.
 o setLineEndPoints(Point, Point)
Coordinate the setting of the line endpoints between the various components.
 o writePixel(Point, float, boolean)
Writes a pixel of the specified color at the specifiec location both in the Main and Zoom canvases.


 o AwtFrame
 public AwtFrame(ThreadGroup threadGroup)
Class constructor.


 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event event)
Handle all events important to the applet.

handleEvent in class Component
 o select
 public void select(int lineNumber)
Select the given line number in the frame's code window.

 o setLineEndPoints
 public void setLineEndPoints(Point p1,
                              Point p2)
Coordinate the setting of the line endpoints between the various components.

 o setCircleValues
 public void setCircleValues(Point p1,
                             Point p2)
Coordinate setting the circle parameters between the various components.

 o resetDrawings
 public void resetDrawings()
Clears the drawings of the MainCanvas and ZoomPanel.

 o writePixel
 public void writePixel(Point p,
                        float value,
                        boolean c)
Writes a pixel of the specified color at the specifiec location both in the Main and Zoom canvases. 'c' controls wether or not the ZoomPanel should re-center if the pixel is off the canvas.

 o changeMode
 public void changeMode(int mode)
Changes the message in the info text field based on the new algorithm mode.

 o breakpoint
 public void breakpoint(int breakpoint)
Writes a message to the status text area when a breakpoint happens.