Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings
Part 2: Java
ISO/IEC FDIS 19777-2:2005
This document is Part 2 of ISO/IEC 19777, Extensible 3D (X3D) language
bindings. The full title
of this part of the International Standard is: Information technology
— Computer graphics and image processing
— Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings — Part 2: Java.
The Foreword provides background on the standards process for
X3D language bindings. The Introduction describes the purpose of
X3D language bindings. The following clauses define this part of ISO/IEC 19777:
- Scope defines the problem area that the Java language
binding of X3D addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards
referenced in this part of ISO/IEC 19777.
- Concepts describes various fundamentals of the Java
language binding of X3D.
- Tables describes the mapping between
abstract names and bound names.
- Type definitions specifies the
binding of abstract data types to Java data types.
- Function definitions specifies binding of abstract service
and function definitions to Java function definitions.
There are several annexes included in the specification:
- Compilation order contains all bound constructs in
compilation order.
- Abstract node interfaces contains definitions of Java interfaces
that match with abstract node types defined in IS0/IEC 19775-1.
- Concrete node interfaces contains definitions of Java interfaces
that match with the concrete nodes defined in IS0/IEC 19775-1.
- Examples includes a variety of Java bound example