Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings
Part 1:  ECMAScript

7 Function definitions

--- X3D separator bar ---

cube 7.1 Introduction and table of contents

7.1.1 Introduction

This clause describes key concepts in this part of ISO/IEC 19776. This includes conformance criteria and abstract concepts of the binding defined in this part to the abstract definitions specified in part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775.

7.1.2 Table of contents

See Table 7.1 for the table of contents for this clause.

Table 7.1 — Topics in this clause

--- X3D separator bar ---

7.2 Browser services and connections

7.2.1 Native objects

All browser services are encapsulated through two host objects: Browser and ExternalBrowser. The properties of these objects are defined in Table 7.2. All functions are considered to be static and are defined in Table 7.3. The browser object shall not have the ability to be directly instantiated.

Table 7.2 — Properties of the Browser object

Data Type Property Read only Comment
String name Yes A browser-implementation specific string describing the browser
String version Yes A browser-implementation specific string describing the browser version.
numeric currentSpeed Yes If this is not supported, the string "0.0" is returned
numeric currentFrameRate Yes If this is not supported, the string "0.0" is returned
String description No
ComponentInfoArray supportedComponents Yes The property value cannot be changed, but the properties of the ComponentInfoArray can be.
ProfileInfoArray supportedProfiles Yes The property value cannot be changed, but the properties of the ProfileInfoArray can be.
X3DExecutionContext/X3DScene currentScene Yes The real type of this class is dependent on whether the user code is inside a prototype instance or not. If the user code is inside a prototype instance the property shall represent a X3DExecutionContenxt otherwise it shall represent a X3DScene.

Table 7.3 — Functions of the Browser object

Return Type Function Comment
void replaceWorld(X3DScene) Replace the current world with this new scene that has been loaded or constructed from somewhere.
X3DScene createX3DFromString(String x3dSyntax) The string may be any valid X3D content in any language supported by the browser implementation. If the browser does not support the content encoding the appropriate exception shall be thrown.
X3DScene createX3DFromURL(MFString,
If the callback parameter is given, the method is asynchronous and the function name is called when the url list has been loaded. The return value is shall always be null. If the callback argument is not given, the method become synchronous and returns the scene from the completed load process, if it succeeded.
void loadURL(MFString url,
MFString parameter)
Valid values for the parameters can be found in ISO/IEC 19775-1
Scene importDocument(DOMNode1)
String getRenderingProperty(String) All properties are converted to a string internally, even when their normal native type would be an numeric value.
void addBrowserListener(String, Object) The string describes the name of the callback function to be called within the current ECMAScript context.
void removeBrowserListener(String) The string describes the name of the callback function to be called within the current ECMAScript context.
void print(Object) Prints the object to the browser's console without a newline character. Successive calls to this function append the descriptions on the same line. The output is the implicit call to the object's toString() function.
void println(Object) Prints the object to the browser's console, inserting a newline character after the output. Successive calls to this function will result in each output presented on separate lines. The output is the implicit call to the object's toString() function.

1DOMNode represents a DOM node object.

Note that the createX3DFromStream() service is not available to ECMAScript-based SAI interaction as ECMAScript does not include inherent I/O capabilities, which would be needed in order to handle this service request.

Table 7.4 describes the functions that are available when the browser accessed from an external application. These functions are in addition to those described by Table 7.3.

Table 7.4 — External Browser Functions

Return value Function
void beginUpdate()
void endUpdate()
void addBrowserCallback(String, object)
void removeBrowserCallback(String)
Scene createScene(ProfileInfo, ComponentInfo n1, ComponentInfo n2, ...)

7.2.2 Establishing connections getBrowser

For external interactions, this service request is provided through an application-specific context and is also dependent on the environment being used. For example, inside a web page script, it may use the HTML DOM to access the embedded object for the X3D plug-in that supplies the getBrowser function call. The object returned shall be an instance of ExternalBrowser.

Internal interactions do not need this call as the Browser object reference is provided automatically as a static object available to every script context. createBrowser

For external interactions, this service request is provided through an application-specific context and is also dependent on the environment being used. For example, inside a web page script, it may use the HTML DOM to access the embedded object for the X3D plug-in, which supplies the createBrowser function call. The object returned shall be an instance of ExternalBrowser. A browser is not required to provide this service and the implementation shall be browser specific.

7.2.3 Providing extension functions

Browsers implementers may extend the basic Browser object in accordance with 3.2.2 Conformance. Because ECMAScript does not permit object inheritance, the process of providing custom extensions will be through adding additional functions to the Browser object.

7.3 Execution context services

7.3.1 Description

This is the representation of the SAIExecutionContextID abstract type.

7.3.2 Instance creation function

This object cannot be instantiated by the user.

7.3.3 Properties

The properties defined for the ExecutionContext host object are defined in Table 7.5

Table 7.5 — Execution context properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
String specificationVersion Yes The string shall represent the basic specification version used by the parsed file in decimal format. For example, a scene conforming to this specification will return the value "3.0".
String encoding Yes The encoding is represented as a string that describes the data encoding used. Valid values are "ASCII", "VRML", "XML", "BINARY", "SCRIPTED", "BIFS", "NONE"
ProfileInfo profile Yes
ComponentInfoArray components Yes
String worldURL Yes
MFNode rootNodes Yes/No When used inside a prototype instance, this property shall not be writable. The MFNode object instance shall also not be writable. When used anywhere else, it shall be writable.
ProtoDeclarationArray protos No
ExternProtoDeclarationArray externprotos No
RouteArray routes Yes

7.3.4 Functions

The functions defined for the X3DExecutionContext host object are defined in Table 7.6

Table 7.6 — Execution context functions

Return Type Function
X3DRoute addRoute(SFNode fromNode, String fromReadableField,
SFNode toNode, String toWritableField)
void deleteRoute(X3DRoute)
SFNode createNode(String)
SFNode createProto(String)
SFNode getImportedNode(String, String)
void updateImportedNode(String, String)
void removeImportedNode(String)
SFNode getNamedNode(String)
void updateNamedNode(String, SFNode)
void removeNamedNode(String)

7.4 Scene services

7.4.1 Description

The Scene object extends the ExecutionContext object and adds the properties defined in Table 7.7 and functions in Table 7.8 to those defined in Table 7.5 and Table 7.6 respectively. An Scene object is created by the function defined in Table 7.4.

7.4.2 Instance creation function

It shall not be possible to directly create an instance of this object.

7.4.3 Properties

The properties defined for the X3DScene host object is defined in Table 7.7

Table 7.7 — Scene properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
String specificationVersion Yes The string shall represent the basic specification version used by the parsed file in decimal format. For example, a scene conforming to this specification will return the value "3.0".

7.4.4 Functions

The functions defined for the X3DScene host object are defined in Table 7.8

Table 7.8 — Scene functions

Return Type Function
void setMetaData(String, String)
String getMetaData(String)
SFNode getExportedNode(String)
void updateExportedNode(String, SFNode)
void removeExportedNode(String)

7.5 Node services

In addition to providing node field services, the SFNode host object is also used to represent node objects. The services defined for node objects are split to avoid confusion. When the user wishes to directly access and modify the fields of a node, the properties and functions defined by 7.6.4 SFNode shall be used. However, the nodes also need to provide definition information about themselves such as the field definitions available. To avoid clashes with fields of the node, function calls are used to return the appropriate information.

7.6 Field services and objects

7.6.1 Common Properties

All objects that represent fields shall have the functions defined in Table 7.9.

Table 7.9 — Field functions

Data type Property Name Description
String getName The name of this field
numeric getType One of the constant values defined in the X3DConstants object.
Boolean isReadable true if this field is currently readable; false, otherwise.
Boolean isWritable true if this field is currently writable; false, otherwise
void addFieldCallback(String, object) The string is the name of the callback function to use. The object is any arbitrary identifying object that user code wishes to associate with the callback.
void removeFieldCallback(String) The string is the name of the callback function to be removed on this field.

7.6.2 X3DFieldDefinition Description

The X3DFieldDefinition object represents all of the descriptive properties of a single field of a node. The properties of an X3DFieldDefinition object are defined in Table 7.10. Instance creation function

It shall not be possible to directly create an instance of this object. Properties

Table 7.10 — X3DFieldDefinition properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
String name Yes The field name (e.g., "children").
numeric accessType Yes Value from the X3DConstants object describing the accessType (e.g., "inputOnly").
numeric dataType Yes Value from X3DConstants cobject describing the field's data type (e.g., "SFBool"). Functions

No functions are defined for this object.

7.6.3 SFColor Description

The SFColor object corresponds to a X3D SFColor field. All properties defined in Table 7.12 are accessed using the syntax sfColorObjectName.<property>, where sfColorObjectName is an instance of an SFColor object. The properties may also be accessed by the indices [0] for red, [1] for green and [2] blue. All functions are invoked using the syntax sfColorObjectName.method(<argument-list>), where sfColorObjectName is an instance of an SFColor object. An SFColor object is created using the function defined in Table 7.11. The functions in Table 7.13 are available for manipulating an SFColor object. Instance creation function

Table 7.11 — SFColor instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFColor (float r, float g, float b) r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue values of the colour. Missing values will be filled by 0.0. Properties

Table 7.12 — SFColor properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric r No Red component of the colour
numeric g No Green component of the colour
numeric b No Blue component of the colour Functions

Table 7.13 — SFColor functions

Return Type Function Description
void setHSV(float h, float s, float v) Sets the value of the colour by specifying the values of hue, saturation, and value.
numeric[3] getHSV() Returns the value of the colour in a 3 element numeric array, with hue at index 0, saturation at index 1, and value at index 2.
String toString() Returns a String containing the  value of r, g and b encoded using the Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.4 SFImage Description

The SFImage object corresponds to a X3D SFImage field. All properties are accessed using the syntax sfImageObjectName.<property>, where sfImageObjectName is an instance of an SFImage object. An SFImage object may be created using the function defined in Table 7.14. The properties of SFImage are defined in Table 7.15. The functions that may be used to manipulate an SFImage object are defined in Table 7.16. Instance creation function

Table 7.14 — SFImage instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFImage (numeric x,
numeric y,
numeric comp,
MFInt32 array)
x is the x-dimension of the image. y is the y-dimension of the image. comp is the number of components of the image (1 for greyscale, 2 for greyscale+alpha, 3 for rgb, 4 for rgb+alpha). Array contains the x * y values for the pixels of the image. The format of each pixel is an SFImage as in the PixelTexture node (see part 1 of ISO/IEC 19775). Properties

Table 7.15 — SFImage properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric width No Width dimension of the image in pixels
numeric height No Height dimension of the image in pixels
numeric comp No Number of components of the image
  1. greyscale or alpha
  2. greyscale + alpha
  3. rgb
  4. rgb + alpha
MFInt32 array No Returns a String containing the  value of x, y, comp and array encoded using the Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776). Function

Table 7.16 — SFImage functions

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the  value of x, y, comp and array encoded using the Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.5 SFNode Description

The SFNode object corresponds to an X3D SFNode field. There are no explicitly defined properties. Functions for accessing SFNode fiels are defined in Table 7.17. Instance creation function

This object cannot be directly instantiated Properties

There are no explicitly defined properties; however, each node may assign values to its writable fields and obtain the last output values of its readable fields using the sfNodeObjectName.fieldName syntax. Functions

Table 7.17 — SFNode functions

Return Type Function Description
String getNodeName() Returns the node name
Array getNodeType() Returns, in the array, a list of constant values that indicate node typess as provided in the X3DConstants object.
FieldDefinitionArray getFieldDefinitions() Returns a list of fields defined for the SFNode object.
String toVRMLString() Returns the X3D Classic VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, would produce this node. If the browser is unable to reproduce this node, the name of the node followed by the open brace and close brace shall be returned. Additional information may be included as one or more Classic VRML comment strings.
String toXMLString() Returns the X3D XML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, would produce this node. If the browser is unable to reproduce this node, a simple XML Element definition shall be returned. Additional information may be included as one or more XML comments.

7.6.6 SFRotation Description

The SFRotation object corresponds to an X3D SFRotation field. It has four numeric properties as defined in Table 7.19: x, y, z (the axis of rotation) and angle. These may also be addressed by indices [0] through [3]. An SFRotation object may be created using one of the functions defined in Table 7.18. An SFRotation object may be manipulated using the functions defined in Table 7.20. Instance creation functions

Table 7.18 — SFRotation instance creation functions

Object Parameter List Description
SFRotation (numeric x,
 numeric y,
 numeric z,
 numeric angle)
x, y, and z are the axis of the rotation. angle is the angle of the rotation (in radians). Missing values default to 0.0, except y, which defaults to 1.0.
SFRotation (SFVec3f axis,
 numeric  angle)
axis is the axis of rotation. angle is the angle of the rotation (in radians)
SFRotation (SFVec3f fromVector,
 SFVec3f toVector)
fromVector and toVector are normalized and the rotation value that would rotate from the fromVector to the toVector is stored in the object. Properties

Table 7.19 — SFRotation properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric x No first value of the axis vector
numeric y No second value of the axis vector
numeric z No third value of the axis vector
numeric angle No the angle of the rotation (in radians) Functions

Table 7.20 — SFRotation functions

Return Type Function Description
SFVec3f getAxis() Returns the axis of rotation.
SFRotation inverse() Returns the inverse of this object's rotation.
SFRotation multiply(SFRotation rot) Returns the object multiplied by the passed value.
SFVec3f multiVec(SFVec3f vec) Returns the value of vec multiplied by the matrix corresponding to this object's rotation.
void setAxis(SFVec3f vec) Sets the axis of rotation to the value passed in vec.
SFRotation slerp(SFRotation dest, numeric t) Returns the value of the spherical linear interpolation between this object's rotation and dest at value 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. For t = 0, the value is this object`s rotation. For t = 1, the value is dest.
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of x, y, z, and angle encoding using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.7 SFVec2d Description

The SFVec2d object corresponds to an X3D SFVec2d field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x and y properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sfVec2dObjectName[0] or sfVec2dObjectName[1]). An SFVec2d object may be created using the function in Table 7.21. The properties of an SFVec2d object are defined in Table 7.22. The functions defined in Table 7.23 may be used to manipulate an SFVec2d object. Instance creation function

Table 7.21 — SFVec2d instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFVec2f (numeric x, numeric y) Missing values default to 0.0d+00. Properties

Table 7.22 — SFVec2d properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric x No First value of the vector
numeric y No Second value of the vector Functions

Table 7.23 — SFVec2d functions

Return Type Function Description
SFVec2d add(SFVec2d vec) Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object.
SFVec2d divide(numeric n) Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value.
numeric dot(SFVec2d vec) Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value.
numeric length() Returns the geometric length of this vector.
SFVec2d multiply(numeric n) Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value.
SFVec2d normalize() Returns the object converted to unit length .
SFVec2d subtract(SFVec2d vec) Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object.
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of x and y encoding using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.8 SFVec2f Description

The SFVec2f object corresponds to an X3D SFVec2f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x and y properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sfVec2fObjectName[0] or sfVec2fObjectName[1]).  An SFVec2f object may be created using the function in Table 7.24. The properties of an SFVec2f object are defined in Table 7.25. The functions defined in Table 7.26 may be used to manipulate an SFVec2f object. Instance creation function

Table 7.24 — SFVec2f instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFVec2f (numeric x, numeric y) Missing values default to 0.0. Properties

Table 7.25 — SFVec2f properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric x No First value of the vector
numeric y No Second value of the vector Functions

Table 7.26 — SFVec2f functions

Return Type Function Description
SFVec2f add(SFVec2f vec) Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object.
SFVec2f divide(numeric n) Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value.
numeric dot(SFVec2f vec) Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value.
numeric length() Returns the geometric length of this vector.
SFVec2f multiply(numeric n) Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value.
SFVec2f normalize() Returns the object converted to unit length .
SFVec2f subtract(SFVec2f vec) Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object.
String toString() Returns a String containing the ISO/IEC xxxxx UTF-8 encoded value of x and y.

7.6.9 SFVec3d Description

The SFVec3d object corresponds to a X3D SFVec3d field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x, y, and z properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sfVec3dObjectName[0], sfVec3dObjectName[1] or sfVec3dObjectName[2]).   An SFVec3d object may be created using the function in Table 7.27. The properties of an SFVec3d object are defined in Table 7.28. The functions defined in Table 7.29 may be used to manipulate an SFVec3d object. Instance creation function

Table 7.27 — SFVec3d instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFVec3d (numeric x, numeric y, numeric z) Missing values default to 0.0d+00. Properties

Table 7.28 — SFVec3d properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric x No First value of the vector.
numeric y No Second value of the vector.
numeric z No Third value of the vector. Functions

Table 7.29 — SFVec3d functions

Return Type Function Description
SFVec3d add(SFVec3d vec) Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object.
SFVec3d cross(SFVec3d vec) Returns the cross product of the object and the passed value.
SFVec3d divide(numeric n) Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value.
numeric dot(SFVec3d vec) Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value as a double precision value.
numeric length() Returns the geometric length of this vector as a double precision value.
SFVec3d multiple(numeric n) Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value.
SFVec3d negate() Returns the value of the component-wise negation of the object.
SFVec3d normalize() Returns the object converted to unit length .
SFVec3d subtract(SFVec3f vec) Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object.
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of x, y, and z encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.10 SFVec3f Description

The SFVec3f object corresponds to a X3D SFVec3f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x, y, and z properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sfVec3fObjectName[0], sfVec3fObjectName[1] or sfVec3fObjectName[2]). An SFVec3f object may be created using the function in Table 7.30. The properties of an SFVec3f object are defined in Table 7.31. The functions defined in Table 7.32 may be used to manipulate an SFVec3f object. Instance creation function

Table 7.30 — SFVec3f instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
SFVec3f (numeric x, numeric y, numeric z) Missing values default to 0.0. Properties

Table 7.31 — SFVec3f properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric x No First value of the vector.
numeric y No Second value of the vector.
numeric z No Third value of the vector. Functions

Table 7.32 — SFVec3f functions

Return Type Function Description
SFVec3f add(SFVec3f vec) Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object.
SFVec3f cross(SFVec3f vec) Returns the cross product of the object and the passed value.
SFVec3f divide(numeric n) Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value.
numeric dot(SFVec3f vec) Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value.
numeric length() Returns the geometric length of this vector.
SFVec3f multiple(numeric n) Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value.
SFVec3f negate() Returns the value of the component-wise negation of the object.
SFVec3f normalize() Returns the object converted to unit length .
SFVec3f subtract(SFVec3f vec) Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object.
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of x, y, and z encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.11 MFBool Description

The MFBool object corresponds to an X3D MFBool field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of boolean values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfBoolObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to FALSE. An MFBool object may be created using the function in Table 7.33. The properties of an MFBool object are defined in Table 7.34. The functions defined in Table 7.35 may be used to manipulate an MFBool object. Instance creation function

Table 7.33 — MFBool instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFBool (boolean n1,
 boolean n2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using 0 or more boolean-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.34 — MFBool properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No Property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.35 — MFBool function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFBool array encoding using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.12 MFColor Description

The MFColor object corresponds to an X3D MFColor field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFColor objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfColorObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFColor (0, 0, 0). An MFColor object may be created using the function in Table 7.36. The properties of an MFColor object are defined in Table 7.37. The functions defined in Table 7.38 may be used to manipulate an MFColor object. Instance creation function

Table 7.36 — MFColor instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFColor (SFColor c1,
 SFColor c2,
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFColor-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.37 — MFColor properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.38 — MFColor function

Return Type Function Description
String .toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFColor array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.13 MFDouble Description

The MFDouble object corresponds to an X3D MFDouble field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of double precision numeric values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfDoubleObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0d+00. An MFDouble object may be created using the function in Table 7.39. The properties of an MFDouble object are defined in Table 7.40. The functions defined in Table 7.41 may be used to manipulate an MFDouble object. Instance creation function

Table 7.39 — MFDouble instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFDouble (numeric n1, numeric n2, ...) The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more numeric-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.40 — MFDouble properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.41 — MFDouble function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFDouble array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.14 MFFloat Description

The MFFloat object corresponds to an X3D MFFloat field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of single precision numeric values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfFloatObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0. An MFFloat object may be created using the function in Table 7.42. The properties of an MFFloat object are defined in Table 7.43. The functions defined in Table 7.44 may be used to manipulate an MFFloat object. Instance creation function

Table 7.42 — MFFloat instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFFloat (numeric n1,
 numeric n2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more numeric-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.43 — MFFloat properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Functions

Table 7.44 — MFFloat functions

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFFloat array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.15 MFImage Description

The MFImage object corresponds to a X3D MFImage field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFImage values. An MFImage object may be created using the function in Table 7.45. The properties of an MFImage object are defined in Table 7.46. The functions defined in Table 7.47 may be used to manipulate an MFImage object. Instance creation function

Table 7.45 — MFImage instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFImage (SFImage i1,
 SFImage i2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFImage-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.46 — MFImage properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No Property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.47 — MFImage function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFImage array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.16 MFInt32 Description

The MFInt32 object corresponds to a X3D MFInt32 field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of integer values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfInt32ObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0. An MFInt32 object may be created using the function in Table 7.48. The properties of an MFInt32 object are defined in Table 7.49. The functions defined in Table 7.50 may be used to manipulate an MFInt32 object. Instance creation function

Table 7.48 — MFInt32 Instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFInt32 (integer n1,
 integer n2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more integer-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.49 — MFInt32 properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.50 — MFInt32 Function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFInt32 array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.17 MFNode Description

The MFNode object corresponds to an X3D MFNode field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFNode objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfNodeObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to NULL. An MFNode object may be created using the function in Table 7.51. The properties of an MFNode object are defined in Table 7.52. The functions defined in Table 7.53 may be used to manipulate an MFNode object. Instance creation function

Table 7.51 — MFNode instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFNode (SFNode n1,
 SFNode n2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFNode-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.52 — MFNode Properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No Property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.53 — MFNode function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns the X3D Classic VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of a MFNode field, would produce this array of nodes. If the browser is unable to reproduce this node, the name of the node followed by the open brace and close brace shall be returned. Additional information may be included as one or more X3D comment strings.

7.6.18 MFRotation Description

The MFRotation object corresponds to a X3D MFRotation field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFRotation objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard dereferencing operator (e.g., mfRotationObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFRotation (0, 0, 1, 0). An MFRotation object may be created using the function in Table 7.54. The properties of an MFRotation object are defined in Table 7.55. The functions defined in Table 7.56 may be used to manipulate an MFRotation object. Instance creation function

Table 7.54 — MFRotation instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFRotation (SFRotation r1,
 SFRotation r2, ...)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFRotation-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.55 — MFRotation properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.56 — MFRotation function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFRotation array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.19 MFVec2d Description

The MFVec2d object corresponds to an X3D MFVec2d field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec2d values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfVec2dObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec2d (0.0d+00, 0.0d+00). An MFVec2d object may be created using the function in Table 7.57. The properties of an MFVec2d object are defined in Table 7.58. The functions defined in Table 7.59 may be used to manipulate an MFVec2d object. Instance creation function

Table 7.57 — MFVec2d Instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFVec2d (SFVec2d v1, SFVec2d v2, ...) The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec2d-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.58 — MFVec2d properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.59 — MFVec2d function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFVec2d array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.20 MFVec2f Description

The MFVec2f object corresponds to a X3D MFVec2f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec2f values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfVec2fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec2f (0.0, 0.0). An MFVec2f object may be created using the function in Table 7.60. The properties of an MFVec2f object are defined in Table 7.61. The functions defined in Table 7.62 may be used to manipulate an MFVec2f object. Instance creation function

Table 7.60 — MFVec2f instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFVec2f (SFVec2f v1, SFVec2f v2, ...) The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec2f-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.61 — MFVec2f properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.62 — MFVec2f function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFVec2f array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.21 MFVec3d Description

The MFVec3d object corresponds to an X3D MFVec3d field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec3d values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfVec3dObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec3d (0.0d+00, 0.0d+00, 0.0d+00). An MFVec3d object may be created using the function in Table 7.63. The properties of an MFVec3d object are defined in Table 7.64. The functions defined in Table 7.65 may be used to manipulate an MFVec3d object. Instance creation function

Table 7.63 — MFVec3d instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFVec3d (SFVec3d v1, SFVec3d v2, ...) The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec3d-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.64 — MFVec3d properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.65 — MFVec3d function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFVec3d array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.6.22 MFVec3f Description

The MFVec3f object corresponds to an X3D MFVec3f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec3f values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g., mfVec3fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 ≤ index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index ≥ length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec3f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). An MFVec3f object may be created using the function in Table 7.66. The properties of an MFVec3f object are defined in Table 7.67. The functions defined in Table 7.68 may be used to manipulate an MFVec3f object. Instance creation function

Table 7.66 — MFVec3f instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
MFVec3f (SFVec3f v1, SFVec3f v2, ...) The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec3-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

Table 7.67 — MFVec3f properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
numeric length No property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. Function

Table 7.68 — MFVec3f function

Return Type Function Description
String toString() Returns a String containing the value of the MFVec3f array encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.7 Route services

7.7.1 Route Description

Routes are represented by the X3DRoute host object. This object cannot be directly instantiated. Routes may only be created through calls to the addRoute() function of X3DExecutionContext. The properties of the X3DRoute object are defined in Table 7.69. Instance creation function

This object cannot be directly instantiated Properties

Table 7.69 — Route properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
SFNode sourceNode yes A reference to the node that is the source of this route.
String sourceField yes The name of the field in the source node.
SFNode destinationNode yes A reference to the node that is the destination of this route.
String destinationField yes The name of the field in the destination node. Functions

There are no functions defined for this object.

7.8 Prototype services

7.8.1 ProtoDeclaration Description

A PROTO declaration is represented by the X3DProtoDeclaration host object. The user cannot create instances of this object. This object can only be fetched using the X3DExecutionContext object. The properties of a PROTO declaration are defined in Table 7.70. The functions defined in Table 7.71 may be used to manipulate a ProtoDeclare object. Instance creation function

This object cannot be directly instantiated. Properties

Table 7.70 — ProtoDeclaration properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
String name yes The declared name of this proto
FieldDefinitionArray fields yes The list of all the fields defined for this proto
Boolean isExternProto yes Always has the value of false Functions

Table 7.71 — ProtoDeclaration functions

Return Type Function
SFNode newInstance()

7.8.2 ExternProtoDeclaration Description

An EXTERNPROTO declaration is represented by the X3DExternProtoDeclaration host object. The user cannot create instances of this object. EXTERNPROTO declarations can only be fetched using the X3DExecutionContext object. The properties of an EXTERNPROTO declaration are defined in Table 7.72.  The functions defined in Table 7.73 may be used to manipulate a ExternProtoDeclare object. Instance creation function

This object cannot be directly instantiated. Properties

Table 7.72 — ExternProtoDeclaration properties

Data type Property Name Read Only Description
String name yes The declared name of this proto
FieldDefinitionArray fields yes The list of all the fields defined for this proto
MFString urls yes The list of all the URIs defined for this proto
Boolean isExternProto yes Always has the value of true
numeric loadState yes The value is one of the _STATE properties defined in the X3DConstants object Function

Table 7.73 — ExternProtoDeclaration function

Return Type Function
SFNode newInstance()
void loadNow()

7.9 Miscellaneous objects

7.9.1 ProfileInfo

This object stores information about a particular X3D profile. Table 7.74 lists the items maintained by a ProfileInfo object.

Table 7.74 — ProfileInfo properties

Data type Property name Description
String name The formal name as defined in part 1 of ISO/IEC 19775.
Numeric level The level of support of this instance
String Title A generic, freeform title string provided by the browser manufacturer
String providerUrl If provided, the URL to the entity that wrote this component. This assumes that extensions to the browser may not necessarily be provided by the browser writer's themselves.
ComponentInfoArray components An array of the ComponentInfo object instances that make up this profile.

7.9.2 ProfileInfoArray

The ProfileInfoArray object is an object that represents an array of ProfileInfo objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.75 lists the items maintained by a ProfileInfoArray object.

Table 7.75 — ProfileInfoArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
ProfileInfo integer Treated as an array, this is ProfileInfo at the given index

7.9.3 ComponentInfo

The ComponentInfo object stores information about a particular X3D component. The object consists solely of read-only properties. It does not define any additional functions. It shall be an error to write to any of these properties. Table 7.76 lists the items maintained by a ComponentInfo object.

Table 7.76 — ComponentInfo functions

Data type Property Name Description
String name The formal name as defined in the appropriate Part 1, Clause
Numeric level The level of support of this instance
String Title A generic, freeform title string provided by the browser manufacturer
String providerUrl If provided, The URL to the entity that wrote this component. Assumes that extensions to the browser may not necessarily be provided by the browser writer's themselves.

7.9.4 ComponentInfoArray

The ComponentInfoArray object is an object that represents an array of ComponentInfo objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.77 lists the items maintained by a ComponentInfoArray object.

Table 7.77 — ComponentInfoArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
ComponentInfo integer Treated as an array, this is ComponentInfo at the given index

7.9.5 FieldDefinitionArray

FieldDefinitionArray is an object that represents an array of X3DFieldDefinition objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.78 lists the items maintained by a FieldDefinitionArray object.

Table 7.78 — FieldDefinitionArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
X3DFieldDefinition integer Treated as an array, this is X3DFieldDefinition at the given index

7.9.6 ExternProtoDeclarationArray

ExternProtoDeclarationArray is an object that represents an array of X3DExternProtoDeclaration objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.79 lists the items maintained by an ExternProtoDeclarationArray object.

Table 7.79 — ExternProtoDeclarationArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
X3DExternProtoDeclaration integer Treated as an array, this is the X3DExternProtoDeclaration at the given index

7.9.7 ProtoDeclarationArray

ProtoDeclarationArray is an object that represents an array of X3DProtoDeclaration objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.80 lists the items maintained by a ProtoDeclarationArray object.

Table 7.80 — ProtoDeclarationArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
ComponentInfo integer Treated as an array, this is the X3DProtoDeclaration at the given index

7.9.8 RouteArray

RouteArray is an object that represents an array of X3DRoute objects. This is a read-only object. The user is not permitted to create a new instance of this object. Table 7.81 lists the items maintained by a RouteArray object.

Table 7.81 — RouteArray functions

Data type Property Name Description
numeric length The number of items currently in this array
Route integer Treated as an array, this is ComponentInfo at the given index

7.9.9 Matrix3 Description

The X3DMatrix3 object provides many useful functions for performing manipulations on 3x3 matrices. Each of element of the matrix can be accessed using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., x3dMatrixObjectName[0][1] is the element in row 0, column 1). The results of dereferencing a Matrix3 object using a single index (i.e., x3dMatrixObjectName[0]) are undefined. The translation elements are in the third row. For example, x3dMatrixObjectName[2][0] is the X offset. A Matrix3 object may be created using the function defined in Table 7.82. A Matrix3 object may be manipulated by the functions defined in Table 7.83. Instance creation function

Table 7.82 — Matrix3 instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
X3DMatrix3 (numeric f11, numeric f12, numeric f13,
 numeric f21, numeric f22, numeric f23,
 numeric f31, numeric f32, numeric f33)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec3-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

The individual values of the matrix may be addressed using array-style indexing. The values are organized in a flat array in row-major order (e.g., [0] is f11, [2] is f12, and [3] is f13. Functions

Table 7.83 — Matrix3 functions

Return Type Function Description
void setTransform(SFVec2f translation,
SFVec3f rotation,
SFVec2f scale,
SFVec3f scaleOrientation,
SFVec2f center)
Sets the Matrix to the passed values. Any of the rightmost parameters may be omitted. The function has zero to five parameters. For example, specifying zero parameters results in an identity matrix while specifying one parameter results in a translation and specifying two parameters results in a translation and a rotation. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified for the Transform node. Values are applied to the matrix in the same order as the matrix field calculations for the Transform node.
void getTransform(SFVec2f translation,
SFVec3f rotation,
SFVec2f scale)
Decomposes the Matrix and returns the components in the passed translation, rotation, and scale objects. The types of these passed objects is the same as the first three arguments to setTransform. If any passed object is not sent, or if the null object is sent for any value, that value is not returned. Any projection or shear information in the matrix is ignored.
Matrix3 inverse()
Returns a Matrix whose value is the inverse of this object.
Matrix3 transpose()
Returns a Matrix whose value is the transpose of this object.
Matrix3 multLeft(Matrix3)
Returns a Matrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the left.
Matrix3 multRight(Matrix3)
Returns a Matrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the right.
SFVec2f multVecMatrix(SFVec2f vec)
Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.
SFVec2f multMatrixVec(SFVec2f vec)
Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.
String toString() Returns a String containing the matrix contents encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.9.10 Matrix4 Description

The X3DMatrix4 object provides many useful functions for performing manipulations on 4x4 matrices. Each of element of the matrix can be accessed using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., x3dMatrixObjectName[0][1] is the element in row 0, column 1). The results of dereferencing a Matrix4 object using a single index (i.e., x3dMatrixObjectName[0]) are undefined. The translation elements are in the fourth row. For example, x3dMatrixObjectName[3][0] is the X offset.  A Matrix4 object may be created using the function defined in Table 7.84. A Matrix4 object may be manipulated by the functions defined in Table 7.85. Instance creation function

Table 7.84 — Matrix4 Instance creation function

Object Parameter List Description
X3DMatrix4 (numeric f11, numeric f12, numeric f13, numeric f14,
 numeric f21, numeric f22, numeric f23, numeric f24,
 numeric f31, numeric f32, numeric f33, numeric f34,
 numeric f41, numeric f42, numeric f43, numeric f44)
The creation function shall initialize the array using zero or more SFVec3-valued expressions passed as parameters. Properties

The individual values of the matrix may be addressed using array-style indexing. The values are organized in a flat array in row-major order (e.g., [0] is f11, [3] is f14, and [4] is f21). Functions

Table 7.85 — Matrix4 functions

Return Type Function Description
void setTransform(SFVec3f translation,
SFRotation rotation,
SFVec3f scale,
SFRotation scaleOrientation,
SFVec3f center)
Sets the Matrix to the passed values. Any of the rightmost parameters may be omitted. The function has zero to five parameters. For example, specifying zero parameters results in an identity matrix while specifying one parameter results in a translation and specifying two parameters results in a translation and a rotation. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified for the Transform node. Values are applied to the matrix in the same order as the matrix field calculations for the Transform node.
void getTransform(SFVec3f translation,
SFRotation rotation,
SFVec3f scale)
Decomposes the Matrix and returns the components in the passed translation, rotation, and scale objects. The types of these passed objects is the same as the first three arguments to setTransform. If any passed object is not sent, or if the null object is sent for any value, that value is not returned. Any projection or shear information in the matrix is ignored.
Matrix4 inverse()
Returns a Matrix whose value is the inverse of this object.
Matrix4 transpose()
Returns a Matrix whose value is the transpose of this object.
Matrix4 multLeft(Matrix4 matrix)
Returns a Matrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the left.
Matrix4 multRight(Matrix4 matrix)
Returns a Matrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the right.
SFVec3f multVecMatrix(SFVec3f vec)
Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.
SFVec3f multMatrixVec(SFVec3f vec)
Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.
String toString() Returns a String containing the matrix contents encoded using the X3D Classic VRML encoding (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19776).

7.9.11 X3DConstants

The X3DConstants host object is used to define constants values used throughout this language binding. Each property is defined as a numeric, read-only value. The individual values are not specified; these shall be implementation-dependent. These constants may be used anywhere that a service request wishes to return some fixed value such as if or switch statements. The list of known values are defined in Table 7.86:

Table 7.86 — X3DConstant values

SFBool MFBool MFInt32 SFInt32
SFFloat MFFloat SFDouble MFDouble
SFTime MFTime SFNode MFNode
SFVec2f MFVec2f SFVec3f MFVec3f
SFVec3d MFVec3d MFRotation SFRotation
MFColor SFColor SFImage MFImage
MFColorRGBA SFColorRGBA SFString MFString
X3DBoundedObject X3DMetadataObject X3DUrlObject X3DTriggerNode
X3DInfoNode X3DAppearanceNode X3DAppearanceChildNode X3DMaterialNode
X3DTextureNode X3DTexture2DNode X3DTexture3DNode X3DTextureTransformNode
X3DGeometryNode X3DGeometry3DNode X3DTextureTransformNode X3DCoordinateNode
X3DParametricGeometryNode X3DGeometricPropertyNode X3DColorNode X3DProtoInstance
X3DNormalNode X3DTextureCoordinateNode X3DFontStyleNode X3DGroupingNode
X3DChildNode X3DBindableNode X3DBackgroundNode X3DInterpolatorNode
X3DShapeNode X3DScriptNode X3DSensorNode X3DEnvironmentalSensorNode
X3DLightNode X3DNetworkSensorNode X3DPointingDeviceSensorNode X3DDragSensorNode
X3DKeyDeviceSensorNode X3DSequencerNode X3DTimeDependentNode X3DSoundNode
X3DSoundSourceNode X3DTouchSensorNode inputOnly outputOnly
inputOutput initializeOnly    

cube 7.10 Script implementation details

7.10.1 initialize() function

Authors may define a function named initialize() that is invoked before the browser presents the world to the user and before any events are processed by any nodes in the same X3D file as the Script node containing this script (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775], initialize and shutdown service request definitions).

The initialize() function has no parameters. Events generated from initialize() are given the timestamp of when the Script node was loaded.

7.10.2 prepareEvents() function

The prepareEvents() function represents the service request that is called every frame. If the user code defines this function, it shall be called by the browser every frame.

The prepareEvents() function takes a single optional argument that is the current timestamp.

7.10.3 eventsProcessed() function

The eventsProcessed() function represents the service request that is called after some set of events has been received. This allows Script nodes that do not rely on the ordering of events received to generate fewer events than an equivalent Script node that generates events whenever events are received (see Receiving events).

The eventsProcessed() function takes no parameters. Events generated from it are given the timestamp of the last event processed.

7.10.4 shutdown() function

Authors may define a function named shutdown() that is invoked when the corresponding Script node is deleted or when the world containing the Script node is unloaded or replaced by another world (see part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775, initialize and shutdown service request definitions).

The shutdown() function has no parameters. Events generated from shutdown() are given the timestamp of when the containing node was deleted or the URL replaced.

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