Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 2: Scene access interface (SAI)
ISO/IEC 19775-2:2004
This document is ISO/IEC 19775-2:2004, Extensible 3D (X3D). The full title
of this part of the International Standard is: Information technology —
Computer graphics and image processing — Extensible 3D (X3D) — Part 2: Scene
access interface (SAI).
The Foreword provides background on the standards process
for X3D. The Introduction describes the purpose, design criteria,
and characteristics of X3D. The following clauses define Part 2 of ISO/IEC 19775:
- Scope defines the problem area that X3D addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards referenced
in this part of ISO/IEC 19775.
- Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations contains the glossary of terminology used in this
part of ISO/IEC 19775.
- Concepts describes various fundamentals of the X3D scene
access interface.
- Data type reference defines the data types used by the application
programmer interfaces.
- Services reference defines the functionality which may be
accessed through the application programmer interfaces.
- Conformance describes the conformance requirements for X3D
There are several annexes included in the specification:
- VRML 97 scripting backwards compatibility
describes the manner in which X3D Scripting can be used to provide backwards
compatibility with VRML 97 scripting.