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Documentation of this project is available on-line in HTML format at djk9443/. Hard copies of all documentation will be provided prior the the project defense.

Completed documentation will consist of a final write-up including this proposal, a User's Guide and a Technical Reference Manual. The final write-up is intended to tie the project together. It will include comments on the experience of building the project, discuss what worked well, what could be improved and where the project could go with additional development. The intended audience is the Faculty Project committee and those who attend the defense.

The User's guide gives instructions for running the Java applet. It also contains a section on theory and explains how and why the algorithms work. Sample input and output will be provided. The audience for the User's Guide is anyone who wants to use the applet and learn about scan conversion of lines and circles.

The Technical Reference contains a program description including system and program structure, module and data structure descriptions. The intended audience is someone who is interested in maintaining, reusing part of, or extending the project implementation.

David J Kroth;951;icsg6;
Mon Oct 27 14:46:48 EST 1997