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A Survey on Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approaches for Adaptation and Generalization

Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning

Sim-to-Real Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: a Survey

K. Khetarpal, Z. Ahmed, G. Comanici, D. Abel, and D. Precup, "What can I do here? a theory of affordances in reinforcement learning, 2020"

A. Nair, B. McGrew, M. Andrychowicz, W. Zaremba, and P. Abbeel, Overcoming exploration in reinforcement learning with demonstrations, 2017.

Philipp Zech1, Simon Haller1, Safoura Rezapour Lakani1, Barry Ridge2, Emre Ugur3, and Justus Piater, "Computational models of affordance in robotics: a taxonomy and systematic classification"

Aditya Raikwar; Newton D'Souza; Ciana Rogers; Mathew Kress; Adam Williams, "CubeVR: Digital Affordances for Architecture Undergraduate Education using Virtual Reality"

Fabio Pardo, Arash Tavakoli, Vitaly Levdik, Petar Kormushev, "Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning"

Title: Overcoming Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations

Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Deep Reinforcement Learning with Graph Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Review of Algorithms and Applications

Title: Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Ensemble Value Expansion

Reinforcement Learning for Object Affordance Detection" by X. Liu, Y. Chen, and X. Liu (2015)

Reinforcement Learning for Object Affordance Detection: A Critical Review by X. Liu, Y. Chen, and X. Liu (2017)

Challenges and Opportunities in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics" by J. Kober and J. Peters (2013)

A Survey on Deep Reinforcement Learning: Classic and Contemporary Approaches" by X. Liu, Y. Chen, and X. Liu (2019)

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Affordance-Based Robots" by Katja Hofmann, Marc Toussaint, and J. Andrew Bagnell

"Challenges and limitations in reinforcement learning for robotics control" by Ahmed A. A. Elgammal and Mohamed S. Kamel (2018)

"Affordance-Based Reinforcement Learning for Kitchen Robots" by Wei Liu, Weihang Yuan, Jie Tan, and Shiguo Wu (2017)

"Reinforcement Learning in Robotics: A Survey" by Marina Meila, Doina Precup, and Y. Shawn Yang (2015)

"Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Affordance Detection" by Shunsuke Saito, Kazuhito Yamamoto, Seiichi Uchida (IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020)

"Reinforcement Learning for Kitchen Affordance Recognition" by T. Anand, N. Jain, M. Singh (International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems, 2020)